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We’re Not Kid-ding Around: The True Benefits of Child’s Pose

Written by Savannah (Copy Compass)

It’s time to bust some myths about the seriousness of Child’s Pose, because its name doesn’t do it justice! Out of the thousands of yoga postures out there, very few are as universally cherished and called upon as Child’s Pose (also known as Balasana in Sanskrit). While this pose might seem simple, it’s actually a humbling posture that offers a wealth of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It’s become a cornerstone of yoga practice because it can bring about transformation and comfort. Let’s talk about why.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Child’s Pose is known for its ability to induce a profound sense of relaxation. By gently folding the body forward and surrendering towards the ground, tension melts away from the muscles in the back, shoulders, and neck. This calming effect on the nervous system can actually help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a state of tranquility and peace on the mat. 

Spinal Health and Flexibility

The gentle forward bend of Child’s Pose gently stretches the spine, releasing tension and promoting flexibility. Regular practice of Child’s Pose can help improve spinal alignment, alleviate stiffness, and prevent discomfort that can come from sitting at a desk or struggling with bad posture. It also provides a gentle stretch to the hips, thighs, and ankles, which can enhance your overall mobility.

The Perfect Time Out

Child’s Pose is often used as a resting posture during a yoga practice. Not only does this allow your instructor to provide breaks throughout the class, it also allows students to reconnect with their breath and cultivate mindfulness throughout the class. We like to think that Child’s Pose serves as a sanctuary throughout a sequence, offering a moment of rest to recharge before transitioning to a new set of poses.  

Tummy Trouble Support 

The gentle compression of the abdomen in Child’s Pose can stimulate digestion and alleviate discomfort from bloating or indigestion. If this has ever been especially true for you during class, don’t worry, we take it as a compliment 😉. By gently massaging the internal organs, this pose can help improve digestive function and promote gut health. 

Emotional Release and Inner Reflection

As a posture of surrender and introspection, Child’s Pose invites you to soften your defenses and tap into vulnerability to create space for self-exploration and love. By allowing buried emotions or tension to surface, we can acknowledge these feelings with compassion and acceptance. If Child’s Pose results in stress or anxiety on the mat, try using the affirmation “I am safe” to find comfort in this pose.

Tips for Practicing Child’s Pose

Incorporating Child’s Pose into your yoga practice is a great way to find relaxation, relief from tension, and a few moments of quiet introspection. Use it to nourish and support you during class, between errands, or before bed. Namaste!