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Meet our fabulous co-owners!

Owners Amy and Scott standing in front of a Twisted Grit Yoga mural in their studio

Yogi Amy, Co-Owner & Modern Yogi

Hi, friend! I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve poured my heart and soul into Twisted Grit Yoga, and getting to share it with you feels like a dream come true. As a modern yogi, I believe it’s important to honor traditional yoga practices while also introducing relatable elements – like laughter, hope, love, and music that makes your mat even more inviting. My goal is to help you practice yoga without feeling like you have to change who you are. By encouraging kindness and acceptance instead of image and status, I hope to change people’s minds about what yoga is, and is not. 

More about me: 

  • I’ve lived in Sun Prairie my entire life! This community has poured into me and now I take pride in pouring right back into it. 
  • I hold numerous therapy and yoga certifications, and even a marketing degree. I use this knowledge every day to inform my practice and help guide my decisions for Twisted Grit Yoga. 
  • I’ve received a few awards and honors, including the Outstanding Citizen Award from Dane County for teaching yoga to police officers!
  • I’m the creator and co-owner (with my husband, Scott) of Benders, a business that made it possible for me to teach yoga just about anywhere, and helped me bring my vision for Twisted Grit Yoga to life. 

Scott, Co-Owner & Everyone’s Favorite Badass

It’s not hard to brag about Scott Krutchen. After spending nineteen months on active duty in the United States Marine Corps, he narrowly survived an IED explosion in Iraq. After being awarded a Purple Heart and medically retiring, he showed strength and grit to recover and successfully re-enter civilian life. Now, he uses his experience to connect with people every day. 

Having co-owned Benders alongside me, he quickly mastered the art of event coordination, merchandise sales, and hyping people up on their way into class. With years of experience in the HVAC industry designing, operating, and maintaining the temperature systems for hot yoga studios, he’s my superhero on a regular basis; Twisted Grit Yoga wouldn’t be here without him!

More about Scott: 

  • He’s the President of the Wisconsin chapter of The Purple Heart Riders and sits on the boards of several non-profit organizations.
  • He’s so passionate about giving back to the community and bringing awareness to veteran and first responder needs and issues – thank your veterans and community responders! 
  • He shows up daily – whether at the studio or behind the scenes – to help make sure things run smoothly for our beautiful community of yogis.

Meet our talented instructors!

Wendy Alighieri (Bendy Wendy)

Wendy Alighieri (Bendy Wendy)

My name is Wendy Alighieri, aka Bendy Wendy. I believe that fitness should be fun and full of variety. Fitness is a way to care for yourself, not just work out. (Although you will see me working out quite a bit because I really do enjoy it!) I believe in taking breaks (even during workouts!) and really listening to how your body feels. I am a certified Yoga, Barre, Group Fitness, TRX Instructor. I am also a Black Belt and taught Karate for just over a year. I have been teaching for a little over 5 years. Since I believe you can never stop growing and learning, I am constantly adding certifications and things to teach! Most importantly, I am a mother to 6 kids who mean the world to me.

Dani Butalla

Join me just as you are. I hope to create a welcoming, fun, and relaxed space for you to pause from the hustle and bustle of your day and just be. I aim to offer a safe environment for intentional breath and movement to let go.

My yoga practice has become a healing space for my mind and body. I was introduced to yoga during my first pregnancy. During this time I needed a new way to connect to my changing body, but realized quickly it wasn’t so much the physical practice, but the emotional and mental benefits that have helped me navigate the ebbs and flow of life. Grateful for my introduction to yoga, I received my 200 hour certification in 2017, since then I haven’t stopped playing and learning on the mat! 

“You can’t go back to change the beginning, but you can start where you are to change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

Photo of a smiling female-presenting person

Photo of Jami Collins

Jami Collins

Hello and Welcome to Twisted Grit Yoga

It is a privilege for me to practice yoga in such a beautiful, inviting, playful space.

I became a true yoga (to yoke or unite) believer when I found out my younger daughter was a footling breach baby a week before her due date. I was scheduled for a version (where doctors outwardly manipulate the mother’s belly hoping to flip the baby headfirst into the birth canal).  This sounded…ROUGH. So I did yoga!  I researched the poses that can help a baby prepare for a healthy, headfirst natural childbirth and….it was just what we needed. YES, Yoga is transformative!  As a former Kindergarten teacher . Girls on the Run and Track and Field coach, who integrated yoga into weekly routines and workouts, I have personally seen its benefits as students learn to manage stress and overcome challenges by “yoking”  or uniting their body and mind while releasing tension and stress.

From there, I have taught Hatha or Flow Yoga, Yoga Sprouts for Families and Paddleboard Yoga in the Madison area.   

I’m thrilled to be at Twisted Grit Yoga helping Amy and Scott fulfill their dreams.  I know you will feel the love here!


My journey to Twisted Grit Yoga was orchestrated by a higher power for sure. Early 2023, my teaching job ended, I took my first yoga training and my friend Amy opened Twisted Grit Yoga. It all came together without much thought or planning. Amy had asked me to help with all things essential oils at the studio as that is one of my loves. I teach Midday Meditation, Restore and Breath and Aroma Yin classes at Twisted Grit. I also am certified to offer sessions in the Aroma Freedom Techniques which include techniques for goal setting, processing negative memories, working through limiting beliefs and strong anxieties. Basically these sessions are like therapy without talking. The essential oils do the work or releasing negative memories and emotions because they can go straight to the limbic system in the brain where are subconscious operates from. 

More about me: 

  • I love to hike! 
  • My college degrees are in education (math and reading). 
  • My husband grew up in Sun Prairie and we thought we would never move here but it’s been a great place to raise our 2 boys now 18 and 20. 
  • I love to talk about and use essential oils!! My favorite saying is “There is an oil for that”. 

Photo of Tracy Frank

Photo of Sanne Kelly

Sanne Kelly

Sanne (Suh-neu) of Alchemy of Dance, teaches Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative yoga and Fusion bellydance and conditioning. As a teacher, she aims to meet the collective need for holistic healing. Each class is a supportive container that empowers each individual and aims to meet their personal goals of self-discovery, growth, wellness and healing starting from where they are through the alchemy of different techniques from Yoga, active flexibility, strength training, Fusion Bellydance, Temple dance arts, self-regulation, energy healing and more. She teaches in a way that allows the benefits of these movement and healing arts to be accessible to all. She has done many years of self-study or Svadyaya over 10 years based in India. Her spiritual journey took her from Patanjali’s place of enlightenment and some of the highest and most sacred Hindu temples in the Himalayas to the city of San Francisco, and many places in between. Having struggled with severe depression for many years, this divine journey led her to the most transformational teachings that allowed her to find healing. She is also a performer and has performed hundreds of shows all over India, U.S., in Kuwait, Switzerland, and Thailand. She holds 200 hr Sivananda yoga teacher (2010), Reiki levels one and two, Access Consciousness, Dancecraft Diamonds, Spades, and 8 Elements initiation certificates. Other trainings include Holistic Temple dance, Buddhist meditation, Access Consciousness, Bharatnatyam, Odissi, Kalbelia and traditional bellydance (Raqs Sharki). She is also currently finishing her BSN and has an Associates’ in Science degree. Her and her son Bodhi live in Baraboo with their kitty in her jungle home!

Katrina Kyrch (she/her)

Yoga has woven its way into and out of my life since I was a small child. I truly believe that yoga is for EVERYbody and that we can all use as many opportunities as possible to get grounded, be present in our bodies and find ways to get reconnected to our always warm and open hearts. One of my core fundamental beliefs is that everyone is their own best teacher, their own guru, and my role is to guide, support and hold space for others. I have a background in social work, public education, community activism, and social justice.   

My approach to yoga is gentle, grounded, and present; yoga is a practice that helps us to deepen our awareness and self-love, which then allows us to take these qualities off the mat into our daily lives. My values center around a vision of shared, co-created spaces where everyone can bring their authentic, whole-hearted selves and there is no better place to do this than through yoga. My primary style of class is slow flow, with longer warm-ups and careful attention to the spine, with continuous attention to our breath and the sensations present in our body. I also love teaching restorative, yin, mindfulness/meditation, kundalini, qi-gong, and the occasional vinyasa thrown in for good measure. I am a huge lover of poetry and language and often bring readings and poems to my classes.

  • My primary values are compassion, vulnerability, authenticity, and love.
  • I live on the East side of Madison with my spouse, 3 teenagers, 2 dogs, and 3 cats.
  • Some of my favorite activities are hiking in the woods, camping, relaxing in a hammock, dancing in my PJs, rewatching favorite 80’s movies again and again, and going to see live music.
  • I personally practice Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga and Instinctive Meditation
  • I love that there are countless ways for each individual to find their own path​ home. 

Photo of Katrina Kyrch
Photo of Crystal Kurtz

Crystal Kurtz

I am blessed to be a teacher bringing healing to individuals and the community through the practice of yoga.

I first started teaching yoga to at-risk adjudicated youth in a wilderness setting in the mountains of Utah. I camped under tarps 365 days a year. I supported kids as they were taken away from their reality and drugs were removed from their lifestyles. I motivated them to start taking accountability for their own story and expressing their real feelings. Implementing a weekly yoga practice became a highlight for the students. Time for themselves, space to let their mind unwind, and set the stage for personal growth. It was a way to help them connect with their breath, move their body and challenge their perception of themselves and their world through a different lens. 

It was at this time in my life, while living out of my truck; mountain biking, rock climbing, running, and working with the adjudicated youth program that I started a formal practice of yoga under the framework of Jonathan friend’s Anusara Yoga. I developed a newfound connection with my own body, mind, and spirit. I built my life around healthy nutrition, water, and my breath. I embodied pranayama, truly finding my unique life force and how I could harness it thru a daily disciple. 

I love teaching about pranayama, a life-giving force, that you can take control of  – breath, nourishment, and water, the core of nutrition and health is based on what you eat and drink, but more importantly how you breathe! Use breathwork to add energy to your day, use the breath to assist the flow of your yoga practice. Most importantly, use breathwork to help calm the mind, and reduce stress and anxiety to bring mindfulness to your body at any time. These are simple principles that can be taught and practiced. 

Now, as a woman’s health nurse for more than a decade, I have an amazing platform to support women and men through the wisdom of yoga traditions. My goal – Through a fusion of my yoga background, nursing knowledge, and understanding of the human body, is to help people strengthen their core, unlock tension and find restoration. I have carved out a niche for anyone living with daily pain. I can help unlock the pelvic floor, figuring out where to strengthen, where to soften, open and release tension. I aspire to set students up for success by building the structure to a healthy lifestyle of their own making, living their best life at any age.

My ideal yoga class is one that stimulates the mind and body. It focuses part on breathwork and mindfulness part on posture and asana. A gentle practice that would help people connect with their bodies. Identify areas of tension and start to unlock them. Demonstrate adaptations and adjustments making it accessible for all. A gentle and calm practice with enough variety that the elite student will find a challenge and the least experienced, will also find success. A perfect, harmonious balance. 

Candlelight Yin is a favorite class of mine to teach at Twisted Grit. There is something magical about being a supportive guide, watching students let go of tension, embrace the warmth of the studio, and relax. Giving them space to sit with their thoughts and feel how their body will respond to the changing poses and breath work. Helping people to nurture and restore their whole being is such a privilege. 

I strive to make people feel at ease and welcome. Teaching them to cultivate a sense of restorative calm within themselves. I help individuals harness the ability to build peace within their own body, anywhere, anytime just by changing their posture, changing their breath, and therefore changing their state of being. I sincerely hope they find a community of support and positive healing energy each time they practice with me. I am a guide here to offer suggestions and knowledge on how we can move, learn and grow together.

Being a yoga instructor is the only job I have ever had where every time I leave work I am more full than when I arrived. I feel better about myself. I have cleaner energy, and my mind finds a positive outlook with gratitude. I hope that every student can find this harmony on their yoga mat whether it’s at Twisted Grit, at home, or somewhere else. A space of refuge and safety for them to become the best version of themself.

– Namaste

Photo of Brooklyn Mashaw

Brooklyn Mashaw

I have always been an active person and find any kind of movement to be my outlet to focus on the current while letting go of everything else. 

I have 6 years of experience teaching group classes, mostly high-intensity focused. My experience and coaching style comes from being an athlete my whole life. I have a completive nature which helps me hold myself and others accountable in their journey. I will also be your biggest cheerleader! I find it very important to create a safe space for everyone to challenge themselves physically and mentally, but more importantly, be playful and have fun! As an instructor, one of the best feeling is seeing someone push themself to a place they didn’t think was attainable. My goal is that everyone has a smile on their face at the end of class.

What I do for fun…

I love being outdoors no matter the season. Wisconsin gives us plenty of opportunities to switch things up and try something new with our ever-changing seasons.

Aside from yoga and fitness classes, I enjoy getting lost in the woods with my dog (I guess some would call it hiking😉), camping, biking (on pavement or snow), water sports, broomball, pickleball, softball, gardening, and pretty much any sport that will challenge me. My favorite thing to do is enjoy our backyard and relax with my husband, dog, and cats.

Meranda Masse (she/her)

I first started practicing yoga when I moved to Madison back in 2016. Not only did it calm my mind, but it allowed me to become more appreciative of my body’s abilities. After an accident that left me with chronic back pain, I realized just how special it is to be able to move our bodies in ways that can make us stronger.

I fully believe in honoring your body for where it’s at. While I teach HIIT-type classes here at Twisted Grit, I want students to feel like they’re in control and can find joy in movement!

Photo of Meranda Masse

Photo of Stefanie Muller

Stefanie Muller

Stefanie first discovered yoga over 20 years ago as a personal practice which budded into teaching yoga and mindfulness as part of her SEL curriculum as an Elementary School Counselor. Seeing the many benefits that yoga and mindfulness had for children in and out of the classroom, Stefanie found a yoga certification program ‘Breathe For Change’ made just for educators that focuses on teachers prioritizing their own well-being first so they can show up fully for all their relationships in education and their personal life. After receiving this certification in 2017, Stefanie has taught adult and children’s yoga in the community and mostly to students at Windsor Elementary School. Stefanie went on to get yoga and mindfulness certification specifically for children and is currently working on getting a certificate in Mindfulness Meditation. Stefanie also created “Lotus Flower Kids Yoga” a summer camp program for children to explore yoga and mindfulness.  Stefanie believes that yoga should first be fun for children and incorporates music, games, partner activities, and more into her yoga classes. Stefanie’s classes will help children focus on breathwork, body movement, and overall awareness as tools to help cope with big feelings while building self-esteem and feeling more at home inside their own bodies and emotions. 

When not teaching yoga or at her job as a School Counselor, Stefanie enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and yellow lab Donny and being outdoors hiking, camping, canoeing, gardening, listening to live music, and skiing.

sharon nelson

Hello Yogis!

This is my journey…so far…

 My yoga story started later in life.

First I was a Wife, then Mother, then Educator, then Grandmother, and now Yoga Instructor. Of course there were side adventures along the way.

Always being motivated by sports and feeling happy with the accomplishment, still there was something missing.

What was that something? How do I find it? Where do I look?

I first stepped onto a yoga mat ten years ago for pure curiosity of what the practice is about. After the first class, I was hooked. Didn’t understand why, but kept coming back, returning, knowing I was going to find something. Shedding layers of old behaviors, thinking, and emotional baggage the thing I was finding was myself. I found my breath. Inhaling the good, exhaling what I  didn’t need anymore.

Relief. I discovered how to let go.

Moving energy, not always being perfect,  but challenging my mind body spirit to find myself.

In 2018 I took my new-found love and was motivated to share what I found. I wanted to help others find their something. I wanted to help others find the magnificence of the practice.

Became certified (200RYT) that year. Also Kids and Yin certified and have been teaching people 8 to 88 years of age. Kids, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Seniors, Chair. 

All styles have helped me grow and help others grow.

Yin is my favorite. Learning the benefits of breath and how anatomy works in the poses. Love holding the poses and letting things evolve. Heart openers are one of the best feelings ever.

The virtual energy and passion are very strong and present for our yoga community. ❤ So glad for the opportunity to be with you and practice with you. Thank you.

rebecca price

Rebecca has taught yoga since 2000, earning her 200 RYT in 2015. Often tasked with teaching the “challenging” classes such as power, strong, and flow, her philosophy is that we are all powerful, we just exhibit it in different ways. Having had a major injury (broken back & pelvis), Rebecca recognizes there are many different ways to do a pose and the power lies in determining how to do a pose based on your own body.

More about Rebecca:

  • In her spare time, she does endurance events with myTeam Triumph and long time racing partner, Chris. 
  • Although relatively new to the sport, she coaches mountain biking.
  • Her full time job is teaching Physical Education classes at Madison College.

Photo of Keri Rasmussen

Keri Rasmussen

I lead an energetic and challenging vinyasa flow class, creating an environment that challenges students to go to their edge while still caring for themselves. Students get the chance to have fun, play around with poses, and are encouraged to find patience with where they are in their practice. I seek to remind students of the mind and body connection that can be found in yoga, on and off the mat. I hope to pass on to my students the joy, peace, and contentment that I have found through my yoga practice.

Meghan Skrepenski

Meghan is a certified personal trainer and health coach, and works full time for the Comprehensive Health and Wellness program for the military where she teaches health and wellness classes along with mindfulness, breathing, meditation and yoga. 

She loves anything fitness related and teaching power yoga and core classes, but really just loves any kind of yoga! 

She got started in her yoga journey about three years ago and fell in love with yoga as she realized she needed the grounding and breath work to help her through some of life’s toughest challenges. 

Meghan acquired her 200 hr YTT in March 2023 and loves how it works alongside of her other trainings to be inclusive of all different skillsets, experiences and challenges that students bring to their practice. 

She loves to show that yoga is for EVERYBODY!

Meghan loves being a part of the Twisted Grit Community and subs as often as possible outside of her other activities.

Photo of Meghan Skrepenski

Photo of Jeff Welsch

Jeff Welsch

The motivations to practice yoga vary as greatly as the variety of people who choose to roll out their mat.

For me, yoga is the practice of being fully human. I see my role as a yoga teacher to facilitate you achieving your best yoga, whatever your practice goals may be. My goal as a yoga teacher is to provide you with an opportunity to explore into what you need from your yoga practice – not just while on your mat but also in your life off the mat. On any given day our needs may shift among the physical (moving), emotional (feeling) or spiritual (thinking). But sometimes what we think we should focus on is out of sync with what our inner selves need. In my classes I strive to provide you with the guidance to explore your needs from deep within your consciousness so that maybe you can awaken the awareness of who you are on the inside and strengthen the acceptance of who you are.

For me yoga is embodied in the control of breath. Breath yokes together mind and body. Controlling breath to cement the mind/body connection, we can more effectively stay centered and focused on the moment. I believe our best yoga manifests as enlightened consciousness deep within our inner selves, not as the outward physical appearance of the shapes we make on the mat.

I have a favorite quote that captures my philosophy about life (and my yoga practice):

“A boat is always safest anchored in the harbor. But that is not the purpose of a boat.”

I invite you to go deeper into your yoga practice with me. Raise your anchor and sail together with me on our yoga voyage.

After years of waxing and waning yoga practice, in my mid-50s I committed to a regular yoga practice. In 2019 I completed my CYT-200 yoga teacher training in 2019. I am a retired physician assistant, former fitness instructor for 20+ years, and a sailor.

Meet our brilliant staff!

Savannah Benavides

Savannah supports Twisted Grit Yoga through intentionally written newsletters and other marketing content that shows up in your inbox on occasion. She founded her business –Copy Compass – to help adventurous brands (like us) communicate clearly with their target audiences (like you). As a nature-obsessed entrepreneur and expert copywriter, Savannah leverages carefully crafted copy to promote inclusivity and accessibility in the great outdoors.

Photo of Savannah Benavides